Are you ready for Spring? We are! Warm sunshine, blooming flowers, beautiful green grass, trees budding all come with Spring!

Along with that is spring clean up, garage organization and grass to cut! (Sorry to burst the spirit).
Let us help! We offer beautiful storage and gardening buildings to place in your back yard!

Looking for a storage building made to order? Consider these options:
- Ramps
- Shelving
- Lofts
- Larger doors
- Overhead garage doors

Standard Features:
- Pressure Treated 4″x4″ Skids
- Pressure Treated 2″x4″ Floor Joists
- 5/8″ Plywood Floor
- 2″x4″ Wall Studs – 16″ o.c.
- 1/2″ Plywood on Side Walls, (your color choice)
- Double Doors, (2) 18″x27″ Aluminum Windows
- Trim (your color choice)
- Tech Shield LP Roof Sheathing
- 30-Year Architectural Shingles (your choice of color)
- Choice of doors and window placement

Free Local Delivery!
We offer free delivery within a 20-mile radius of our stores. Some restrictions do apply.
Contact us to see if your purchase is eligible!